Hachiko Waits by Lesléa Newman; Illustrated by Machiyo Kodaira

Hachiko Waits - Lesléa Newman, Machiyo Kodaira

Being a fan of Japanese culture, I've heard about the loyal dog names Hachiko, who waited for his owner everyday for ten years at the Shibuya Station but never was reunited with him, since I was very young. But it's been a long time since I've actually read anything inspired by the story. Until now, that is.


I love this story. It breaks my heart every single time I think about how much Hachiko loved his owner, Professor Eizaburo Ueno. Reading this little children's story inspired by Hachiko is no exception. Newman did an amazing job bringing this well-known tale into a new light.  It was such a quick read that I read it all in once sitting. I love the characters and simpleness of it all. The one thing that felt a little off was the ending. It felt a bit forced, as if the author wanted a bit of romance to happen in this story. If the ending was left at building the statue of Hachiko, it would have been a perfect read for me. Be that as it may, it was still a beautiful story about this wonderful dog.


The beautiful illustrations Kodaira created to go with such a lovely tale enhances the experience. The fact that she visited Hachiko's statue in Shibuya shows in her art. Her accurate depiction brings life to her work and I adored every moment of it.


This is a great book to give to any child who has never heard of Hachiko or is curious to learn more about the little pupper. I highly recommend you give this a read!