White Trash Zombie Apocalypse (White Trash Zombie, #3) by Diana Rowland

Just finished another installment of the White Trash Zombie series and I am loving it. I plan to continue reading this series until I am fully caught up so the next few reviews will be about this series.
Diana Rowland is a talented writer. I love how she has an conversational tone to her books. I feel as if I'm talking to a friend as I read these books. It's definitely a writing style I appreciate tremendously. I started reading the first book because I was looking for something to ease my mind from what was going on around me, and I found a friend in these books.
Angel Crawford is an amazing character. She grows so much throughout the series and we see her grow the most in this book. She has so much self-respect and dreams for herself. We see her grow into a maturity when it comes to her father that as the reader, we are left rooting for her, hoping she succeeds in whatever she decides to do.
My only complaint about this book, and it's a minor one that doesn't detract from my enjoyment of the book, is that I wanted to see her interact more with the characters that work of the coroner's office. In the previous two books, she established relationships with her co-workers Derrel, Nick, and Dr. Leblanc. However, we don't get to see them much in this book. In fact, she's hardly at the coroner's office at all. I missed that element of the book. Although, I didn't mind seeing her interact with new characters like Brian, a bodyguard who works for zombie mafia boss named Pietro, I still wanted to see her progressing and improving her older friendships. But like I said, it's not a problem that the focus this time around was not around the coroner's office and the workers therein. I just would have liked to see more of them.
In short, I really like this series. I love how action-packed it is, I love how conversational the writing is, I love the characters and how diverse the world is, I just love everything about this book series. If you haven't read this series yet, I highly encourage you to do so. It's a lot more enjoyable than I thought it would be and I am so glad that it is!