Hot Milk by Deborah Levy

Hot Milk - Deborah Levy

I'm going to start off by saying I did not like this book and that I did not finish reading it. If you are looking for a review for the whole book, this is not it. This is just me talking about why I decided to stop reading this book.


The writing didn't pull me in and I felt the characters were flat. And towards the beginning of the book, I just couldn't stomach how the main character was flat out racist, sexist, and judgmental. There's a part where she is commenting how the owner of a diving-school kept yelling at his Mexican workers that they were doing a horrible job and they couldn't say anything about it because they're "illegal." ...but of course they had to be Mexican and illegal. Mexicans in Spain are obviously there illegally... I'm just getting really sick and tired of seeing Mexicans being treated as filth because of that "illegal citizens" mentality.


Another thing that upset me was when Sofia, main character, showed how bloody sexist and judgmental she is. Shortly after the racist portion, she goes into a bathroom and notices the person in the next stall has men shoes. To which she overreacts to the highest degree! She runs to the owner of the pub, tells him there's a man in the next stall trying to see up her skirt, and that she thinks he has a knife. Mind you, all she saw was a person wearing men's shoes! She had no idea whether it really was a man in the women's bathroom nor did she know if he really had a knife or not. Turns out she was completely wrong! It was a woman and she did not have a knife. It just made me upset to see her react in such a manner. Trying to get someone in trouble without knowing the full details. And I know she might just be really stressed out with how her mother has been treating her, but I don't think that gives her the right to be so outright judgmental without knowing the full details.


After that, I had to put the book down. I just couldn't bring myself to read the rest of it. I am sick and tired of reading books that treat people like trash without reason. Just done with it. It's just not something I want to read. If you think that this book is something you want to try out then give it a shot. Just because I didn't like it doesn't mean you won't. Personally, I can't read things like this anymore. It makes me upset and I want to be able to enjoy what I read.