A Wolf at the Door and Other Retold Fairy Tales Edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling

My partner loves anthologies. All kinds of anthologies and she is always trying to get me to read them. I finally got around to reading A Wolf at the Door and I adored it! Getting to read fairy-tale retellings written by Neil Gaiman, Tanith Lee, Garth Nix, and so much more was a complete delight. My favorite story was The Kingdom of Melting Glances by Katherine Vaz. It was beautifully written and told that I fell in love with her story. I've never read anything by Vaz but now, I definitely need to read more of her work.
With anthologies, you're going to have some hits and misses. I didn't love every single story in this collection, but I loved the majority of it so I have to recommend it to anyone out there who loves fairy-tales or any of the authors feature in this work. It might become a new favorite of yours.