The Wild Ones by C. Alexander London

The Wild Ones - C. Alexander London

I adore this book! I've read London's Proxy and Guardian books a while back and absolutely loved them! However, I haven't read any of his middle-grade books... until now, that is.


This book follows a young raccoon named Kit and trying to bring peace to a turf war using an "ancient artifact." Yes, it is that epic! I love London's stories and his characters. Each character in this book is memorable in the kindness, their cunning, their cheating ways. Also, London included a gay couple in this book and just made me so happy to see such diversity in a middle-grade novel. Especially a middle-grade novel about animals!


The writing is incredible and promotes the idea of getting yourself an education. Because no matter who you are or where you came from, everyone deserves to be educated.


I love this book and if you love adventure stories with the focus being on animals that does NOT talk down to children, then I highly recommend this book! It's a lot of fun with a lot of intelligent ideas!