Calling on Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede

Calling on Dragons - Patricia C. Wrede

The third installment of the Enchanted Forest Chronicles is just as good as the previous two. The only thing I have to say about it is that it ends in a sort of cliffhanger and with all the feels! DX I really loved it. It was a nice change of pace from the previous two books.


One thing that really annoyed me about this book was the character of Killer, the "rabbit" of the book. I love this book, don't get me wrong. But Killer was such a nuisance, I felt like he just held the group back. Mind you, that was the POINT of his character! I like that about him! But I was just "WHY, KILLER!? Y U SOH DUMB!?" It's a complicated relationship I have with this rabbit.


Wrede did a great job with the writing as usual. She really has become another favorite author and I cannot wait to read more of her books.


Like always, if you read the previous two books, keep going. This one is slightly different from the other ones, but it's just as good~ Fantasy at its finest! I only have one more book in the series. Really hope the cliffhanger is solved in the last book! I might just explode if it's not!