Rebel Spring by Morgan Rhodes

Rebel Spring - Morgan Rhodes

I won't talk much about this book because it is book two in a series but I will say that this was a pretty good read. I am really enjoying this series. I do have some problems with it. It has some flaws. Like how some of the characters upset me so much and all the ones that I actually like end up dying but, hey, I'm not bitter.


One thing that I love about this book is the world and its story. I've been hooked to the plot since book one and I cannot wait to see where it goes from where it left off. The writing is great and really makes it quite easy for the reader to sail on through at a fast pace.


Book three is already out and I cannot wait to get my hands on it. I don't know when I will be able to get my hands on it but the moment I do, I am going to dive on in! >:3


Anyway, this is a pretty good fantasy book series. I don't think it's the best out there but it is a good one if you are looking for something quick to read.